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[BONJOUR] Topic officiel
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Tu es bien sur qu'il ne s'agit pas de la Federation Ivoirienne de Football, ni de Royal Air Maroc ?
Félicitation Knack (la saucisse qui monte) Dehors
Tiens, si d'aventure vous vous ennuiyez devant vos PC au taf, un petit "jeu" basé sur le Street View de Maps qui est drôlement bien fichu pour passer un moment
. Idée simple mais percutante !
Vas Vite ou Flânes. Mais Roule !
Et si non, pour Jeff :

**** FIF Foreign Investment Fund
**** FIF Fractal Image Format
**** FIF Free Iraqi Forces
**** FIF Five Iron Frenzy (band)
**** FIF File Interchange Format
*** FIF Financial Institution Fraud (criminal offense)
*** FIF Forced Inspiratory Flow (respiratory measurement)
*** FIF Familial Infiltrative Fibromatosis
** FIF Five Iron Fan
** FiF Frauen in die Forschung (women in research; EUB program)
** FIF Finishing Industries Forum (contractors)
** FIF Fat Into The Fire
** FIF Front Is Front (rear engined car)
** FIF Forward Integration Facility
* FIF Failure Intensity Function
* FiF Facilities Interface Frame
* FIF Frequency Invariant Filter
* FIF Financial Inventory File (Claims)
* FIF Fibroblast Migration Inhibitory Factor (human lymphocyte)
* FIF Free Inquiry Forum (est. 2002)
* FIF Forum International de la Finance (French: International Finance Forum; Algeria)
* FIF Fonds de l'Infrastructure Ferroviaire (French: Railway Infrastructure Fund; Belgium)
* FIF First Industries Fund (Pennsylvania)
* FIF Financement Individuel de Formation (French: Individual Financing Training)
* FIF Financial Inclusion Fund (UK)
* FIF Fédération des Industries Ferroviaires (French: Railway Industry Association)
* FIF Fédération Ivoirienne de Football (French: Ivorian Football Federation; Ivory Coast)
* FIF Federazione Italiana Fuoristrada (Italian: Italian Federation of All Terrain Vehicles)
* FIF Feet-Inches-Fractions (measurement)

Et aussi :

****** RAM Random-Access Memory
****** RAM Remote Area Medical
****** RAM Royal Academy of Music
****** RAM Repair and Maintenance
****** RAM Rage Against the Machine (band)
****** RAM Restaurant Association of Maryland (Columbia, MD)
***** RAM Radioactive Material
***** RAM Recherche et Applications En Marketing (French: Research and Applications in Marketing)
***** RAM Rolling Airframe Missile
***** RAM Reliability and Maintainability
***** RAM Reverse Annuity Mortgage
***** RAM Read And Modify (original meaning when referring to computer memory)
**** RAM Royal Australian Mint
**** RAM Random Access Machine (informatics)
**** RAM Reliability, Availability, & Maintainability
**** RAM Royal Arch Mason (magazine)
**** RAM Rockets And Missiles
**** RAM Risk Assessment Methodology
**** RAM Responsibility Assignment Matrix (project management)
**** RAM Round-A-Mount (RAM Mounting Systems)
**** RAM Radar-Absorbing Material
**** RAM Radar Absorbent Material
**** RAM Recent Advances in Manufacturing
**** RAM Relative Atomic Mass (chemistry)
**** RAM Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (International Conference)
**** RAM Rockets, Artillery and Mortars
**** RAM Radio Audience Measurement
**** RAM Remote Access Manager (Digital Lightwave)
**** RAM Root Apical Meristem
**** RAM Reform the Armed Forces Movement (Philippines)
**** RAM Risk Assessment Matrix
**** RAM Rechargeable Alkaline Manganese (battery)
**** RAM Research and Analysis of Media (marketing)
*** RAM Resource Allocation Method
*** RAM Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorologia (Spanish)
*** RAM Rating Agency Malaysia Bhd.
*** RAM Royal Ark Mariners (Masonic)
*** RAM Reading Acceleration Machine
*** RAM Revenu Annuel Moyen (French: Average Annual Income)
*** RAM Remote Access Multiplexer (Pulsecom)
*** RAM Restricted Access Management (fishing program)
*** RAM Regional Agency Markets
*** RAM Rec.arts.mystery (Usenet group)
*** RAM Radiation Area Monitor
*** RAM Real Audio Movie (file extension)
*** RAM Revenue Accounting and Management
*** RAM Resource Allocation Management
*** RAM Restricted-Access Media
*** RAM Rapid Alternating Movements (neurology)
*** RAM Russian Aviation Museum
*** RAM Residue Analytical Methods
*** RAM Research Analysis & Maintenance, Inc.
*** RAM Remedy Asset Management
*** RAM Royal Air Maroc, Morocco (ICAO code)
*** RAM Restricted Access Materials
*** RAM Regional Audit Manager
*** RAM Reconnaissance Air Meet
*** RAM Radio Alpine Meilleure (French radio station)
*** RAM Rest Are Mine (when playing hearts online)
*** RAM Russo-American Mercantile (Buck Rogers RPG)
*** RAM Raised Angle Marker (identifies point of impact for airdrop operations)
*** RAM Raised Angle Marker (military paradrop)
** RAM Restricted Area Molding
** RAM Ready Access Memory, Inc.
** RAM Rectangular Approximation Method (calculus, integrals)
** RAM Rapid Area Maintenance
** RAM Rebolusyonaryong Alyansang Makabayan (Philippines extremist group)
** RAM Radio Attenuation Measurement
** RAM Requirements Allocation Matrix
** RAM Requirements Abstraction Model
** RAM Remote Area Monitor
** RAM Relais Assistances Maternelles (French childcare center)
** RAM Rapid Arm Movement (breastfeeding technique)
** RAM Ras-Related Gene from Megakaryocyte (protein)
** RAM Regional Asset Manager
** RAM Random Access Measurement System (Sprint)
** RAM Research and Applications Module
** RAM Regional Atheist Meet (American Atheists, Inc.)
** RAM Radio Alpes Mancelles (French radio station)
** RAM Robbery Apprehension Module (NYPD)
** RAM Right Attacking Midfielder (soccer)
** RAM Right Ascension of the Meridian
** RAM Réseau des Animaleries Montpelliéraines (French animal studies network)
** RAM Radiation Air Monitor
** RAM Ratscat Advanced Measurement
** RAM Radiation Attenuation Measurement
** RAM Regional Area Meteorologist
** RAM Streaming RealAudio File
* RAM Retrofit Attrition Material
* RAM Reliability Assessment & Monitoring
* RAM Radiological Aerosol Monitor
* RAM Playlist file for multiple RA (RealAudio) or RM (RealMedia) files
* RAM Registered Apartment Management
* RAM Réduction de l'Action Moléculaire (French: Reduction of Molecular Action)
* RAM Regional Analysis Model
* RAM Responsibility and Accountability Matrix
* RAM Residual Asset Manager
* RAM Readiness Action Measure
* RAM Response Activity Matrix
* RAM Riders Association of Maragondon (motorcycle club; Philippines)
* RAM Riverside Art Museum (California)
* RAM Reynolds Alberta Museum (Canada)
* RAM Richmond Art Museum (Richmond, IN)
* RAM Revista Argentina de Microbiología (Spanish: Argentina Journal of Microbiology)
* RAM Resolution Asset Management (various companies)
* RAM Rothschild Asset Management (New York)
* RAM Rochester Academy of Medicine (Rochester, NY)
* RAM Real Action Marker (paintball gun)
* RAM Rapidly-Adapting Mechanoreceptor (neuroscience)
* RAM Rabbit Anti-Mouse
* RAM Random Acts of Music
* RAM Random Antiterrorism Measures (US DoD)
* RAM Regional Atmospheric Model (meteorology)
* RAM Regional Accounting Manager
* RAM Remote Account Management
* RAM Remote Administration Module (computing)
* RAM Remaking American Medicine (resource)
Vas Vite ou Flânes. Mais Roule !
LOL !!! Wink

Y en a qui ont du temps a tuer !!
[Image: img_6811.jpg]
(14-05-2013, 17:29)Jeffjoker a écrit : LOL !!! Wink

Y en a qui ont du temps a tuer !!

C'est une guerre sainte contre les barbarismes indélicats et envahissants , pas un tuage de temps . Wink

***** LOL Lots Of Love
****** LOL League of Legends (game)
****** LOL Laugh(ing) Out Loud
****** LOL Little Old Lady
****** LOL Lots Of Laughs
****** LOL Labor of Love
****** LOL Loads of Love
****** LOL Land O' Lakes
****** LOL Lots Of Luck
****** LOL Loss of Life (insurance)
***** LOL Locks of Love (Lake Worth, Florida charity)
***** LOL List of Lists
***** LOL Lack of Love (game)
***** LOL Lowest of the Low
***** LOL Lady of the Lake
***** LOL Lots of Laughter
***** LOL List of Links
***** LOL Love of Life
***** LOL Language of Love
***** LOL Leg of Lamb
***** LOL Land of Lincoln
***** LOL Lord of Lords (Jesus)
***** LOL Learn Online
***** LOL Live-On-Line
**** LOL Live Out Loud
**** LOL Lightolier (Genlyte Group company)
**** LOL Lord of Life (Church)
**** LOL Laws of Life
**** LOL Loss of Light
**** LoL Lands of Lore (game)
**** LOL Loyal Orange Lodge
**** LOL Love On Line
**** LOL Legend of Legaia (video game)
**** LOL Living on Lipitor
**** LOL Lots of Lag (on-line gaming)
**** LOL Love Our Lord
**** LOL Land of Love
**** LOL Land of Legends (Canandaigua Speedway, New York)
**** LOL Lack of Laughter (less common)
**** LOL Log On Later
**** LOL Lots of Lemons
**** LOL Labels or Love (song by Fergie)
**** LOL Language of Literature
**** LOL Loss of Lock
**** LOL Lots of Licking
**** LOL Life of Loan (banking)
**** LOL Life of the Land
**** LOL Lots of Losers (Rocket Arena 3 clan)
**** LOL Load of Laughs
**** LOL Limit of Liability
*** LOL Lots of Lust
*** LOL Lord Oh Lord
*** LOL Lord of Lies (gaming)
*** LOL Lips on Lips
*** LOL Lots of Lollipops
*** LoL Line of Learning (UK education)
*** LOL Love Out Loud
*** LOL Laughing On Line
*** LOL League of Losers (wild 17 chess team)
*** LOL Ladies of Lallybroch
*** LOL Loss of Load
*** LOL Loser on Line
*** LOL Living on Line
*** LOL List Of Lights
*** LOL Lords of Legend (gaming)
*** LOL Length of Lease
*** LOL Lower Operating Limit
*** LOL Love of Literacy (teaching)
*** LOL Lautes Online Lachen (German: Loud Online Laughter)
*** LOL Loss of Line (telephony)
*** LOL Last or Least
*** LOL Lot of Lamers
** LOL Lying Out Loud
** LOL Lawyers on Line
** LOL Lewd Obscene Language
** LOL Leaning Over Laughing
** LOL Limited Operational Life
** LOL Lunatics on Line
** LOL Less Of Lip
** LOL Legend of Lothian (computer game)
** LOL Longitudinal Output Level
** LOL Limited Operation Life
** LoL League of Lightness (gaming clan)
** LOL Low Order Language
** LOL Liar of Lies
** LOL Lovelock, Derby Field Airport, Nevada (IATA code)
* LOL Lying Online Laughter
* LOL Lord of the Lambs
* LOL Look of Love
* LOL Look Out Loser
* LOL Lord of Light
* LOL Linux on Laptop (forum)
* LOL Load of Lard
* LOL Licenciamiento Online (Spanish: Online Licensing)
* LOL Lick Orange Lolipops
* LOL Lets Order Linguini
* LOL Leaping over Leprechans
* LOL Laughing on Lipitor (senior texting)
* LOL Land over Landings (Canada)
* LOL Lucifer, Our Lord
* LOL Lost Our Luggage
* LOL Lots of Llamas
* LOL Lots of Learning
Vas Vite ou Flânes. Mais Roule !
Pfiou ! y en a des lols ! bonjour forum chéri !
MADAME  Biquette s'il vous plait !
Vas Vite ou Flânes. Mais Roule !
[Image: Signature-2.jpg]
Jour pluvieux !
[Image: img_6811.jpg]
Feloches Knack, et non, pour l'instant je ne suis pas malade Smile
[Image: vilo_castellet.png]

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